Guardians of the Family: Confidence

We are happy to have our first guest join us for our 11th podcast on the topic of confidence.  Our guest Natalie Spaulding has an Instagram account where she discusses the importance of self confidence, and she is a great addition to our discussion today.  Confidence is such an important topic to discuss because so much of who we are and what we do hinges on our own self confidence, and it is an important topic to discuss as we focus this year on becoming.   In this podcast we talk about what confidence is, were it comes from,  and how we can increase our confidence.  We also talk about the counterfeits of confidence and how we can teach our children to be confident.

You can find Natalie’s Instagram account here: ConfidentSelf

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You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:


Guardians of the Family: Using Classics to Help Us Become

We are so excited for the new year and with the new year we are beginning a new focus.  In 2017 we focused on our roles as women and how we fulfill those roles.  This year we are going to focusing on “Becoming”, becoming who God wants us to become and becoming the women we want to become.  In our first podcast on becoming we focus our discussion on using classics to help us become who we want to be.  We use the book Laddie by Gene Stratton Porter as a reference to our discussion.  In our discussion we talk about how to find and recognize true principles and how to use classics to find answers to questions in our own lives.  We also include a list of classics to easily learn from.

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You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:

Guardians of the Family: Eve

Thank you for joining us on our discussion of Eve.  In this podcast we discuss how the family is central to God’s plan for us, and how Eve’s decision to partake of the fruit allowed for this plan to progress.   We talk about how understanding Eve’s choice effects how we view women in general and how we view ourselves. We also discuss how understanding the Hebrew meanings of words gives us a greater understanding of the scriptural account of Adam and Eve, and how that changes what we have commonly thought about their story.   We talk about how we are each like Eve and are faced with similar decisions.

Our discussion today comes mainly from these articles and books:

Genesis in the Bible

Women of the Old Testament by Camille Fronk Olson

The Gift of Giving Life:  Rediscovering the Divine Nature of Pregnancy and Birth 

Teaching The Doctrine of the Family by Julie B. Beck

The Great Plan of Happiness by Dallin H. Oaks

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You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:



Guardians of the Family: Femininity Continued

Join us for podcast 8 as we continue our discussion on femininity.    In this podcast we explore what makes us feminine, are there “feminine” characteristics, and are they in opposition to the modern idea of what a strong woman should be.  We also discuss how we use our feminine gifts to help us fulfill our role as guardians of the family.   The article we are discussing today is “The Joy of Womanhood” by Margaret D. Nadauld.

Thank you so much for listening, and for taking the time to rate our podcast.

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You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:

Naomi || Project Women Nurture

Women have a divine calling to nurture.  “To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow.  Therefore, mothers should create a climate for spiritual and temporal growth in their homes.  Another word for nurturing is homemaking.  Homemaking includes cooking, washing clothes and dishes, and keeping an orderly home.  Home is where women have the most power and influence.”  –Julie B. Beck

As part of Guardians of the Family, I have decided to include a personal photography project that I’m calling Project Women Nurture.  As part of the project I will be photographing women and showing ways they nurture their families and those around them.  I will also be interviewing them about their roles as women.

I’m so excited to introduce you to Naomi, and her adorable baby Landon.   (You may have seen a couple of these pictures of her on our Instagram page.)  Naomi was in the first book club that Amy and I ever did, and it has been so fun to watch her grown up, see her get married and now become a mother.  Naomi is so sweet and nice and is a good example to me in so many ways.  It was such a treat to photograph her and baby Landon.  I’m so excited to share their pictures and Naomi’ s beautiful words with you.

What does being a mother mean to you now that you have your own child, or how have your views about motherhood changed since you had your son?
I never realized just how big of a responsibility being a mother was until I became one myself. When I was growing up I was so excited to be a mom one day. I always pictured myself just holding a tiny baby; I never thought about things like teaching my children how to read and write or teaching them right from wrong. After I got pregnant, I felt nervous because it all became so real. I started noticing all the things in the world I wanted to protect my baby from. I realized that I would have to care for and raise another human being. It really sunk in that how I raised him would determine the kind of person he would become, which would have an impact on the world.  I don’t really know what I’m doing, but since I’ve become a mother, I realize that motherhood is truly a calling from our Heavenly Father, and I am going to try my hardest to do the best I can. Motherhood is a huge sacrifice, but it is helping me become more like Christ in the way that I love and the way that I serve.

2. How has your relationship with your husband changed since you found out you guys were having a baby?
Ever since we found out I was pregnant, the biggest change in our relationship had been how we make our decisions. We have more of an eternal perspective, because we know that our choices now will affect our son’s future.

3. Describe your feelings the first time you held your son.
I felt joy. The baby I carried for 9 months and hoped and prayed for even before that was finally here, and it felt like I already knew him. He was lying on my chest with his eyes wide open, just looking around calmly. I looked into his eyes and it just felt right. I knew I was meant to be his mom! I immediately just wanted to protect him and shelter him from the world, because I realize how innocent he was. This little boy had just come from heaven and Heavenly Father had trusted me to be his mother. I just felt so much love, peace, and happiness.

4. Who do you look to as an example of the kind of mom you want to be and why?
I want to be like my mom. She is the most Christlike, loving person I know. She taught me a lot of important things growing up, and I still look back on the advice she’s given me. My mom taught me a lot, most of which she simply taught by example. I hope I can be as loving, thoughtful, and accepting as she is.

5. What do you most look forward to as a mother?
I think I’m most looking forward to just making memories together. I’m excited for all of the adventures–big and small–that we’ll have together as a family.


Naomi is a beautiful writer and you can read more from her on her blog here.

Guardians of the Family: What Is Femininity

What is “Femininity”?  Femininity is both physical and spiritual.  In this podcast we define femininity, and we talk about it’s counterfeits.     We also discuss what being a help-meet truly means and how we return to true femininity.  The articles we discuss in this podcast are “The Beauty of Femininity” by Donna Goff, you can find more from her at Mentoring Our Own , and “The Lord as a Role Model for Men and Women” by Ida Smith.

Thank you for listening.  You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:  Guardians of the Family .net. 

Guardians of the Family: The 7 Keys of Great Teaching Pt. 2

This is part two of a two part podcast.

In this podcast we discuss the 7 Keys of great teaching from the book Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens and A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching A Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century.  We talk about how we use these keys to get a great education that will help us and our children fulfill our God given missions.  We also discuss how to find your mission and give you a list of possible missions you may have.

Thank you so much for listening, and for taking the time to rate our podcast.

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You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:

Guardians of the Family: The 7 Keys of Great Teaching Pt. 1

Because of the length of this podcast we had to split it in to two parts.  This is part one.

In this podcast we discuss the 7 Keys of great teaching from the book Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens and A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching A Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century.  We talk about how we use these keys to get a great education that helps us and our children fulfill our God given missions.  We also discuss how to find your mission and give you a list of possible missions you may have.  After listening to part 1 continue on to part 2 for the full episode.

Thank you so much for listening, and for taking the time to rate our podcast.

If you enjoy our podcast we would love it if you would share it with your friends!  Thanks you.

You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:

Guardians of the Family: Steel To Gold: Feminism Vs. Stateswomanship Pt. 2

In our fourth podcast, we continue our discussion of Rachel DeMille’s article Steel to Gold: Feminism vs Stateswomanship.   We talk about our vision as women and the what, how, and the why we must make a difference in the world.  We also discuss our job as women to raise the 12 people that will raise our great-grandchildren, who those 12 people are, and how we can with confidence and vision raise those 12 people successfully.

Thank you for listening, and thank you for rating our podcast on Itunes.

You can find us at our website Guardians of the and at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook.

Guardians of the Family: Feminism vs. Stateswomanship Pt. 1

Thank you for joining us for part 1 of 2 as we discuss Rachel DeMilles”s article “Steel to Gold: Feminism vs. Stateswamanship.”   Ancient women had confidence and vision, they walked side by side with their husbands, and they understood that their objective was the maintenance of the family unit.  In this podcast we discuss how modern women came to loose that confidence and vision.  We also discuss what feminism looked like historically, the different kinds of feminism we see today, and why it is important to recognize and understand their differences.

Thank you for listening.  You can find us at Guardians of the Family on Instagram and Facebook, and at our website:


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